Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Celebrate... good times....

Last Thursday, members of the Llanelli Fairtrade Group took over The Colliers in Pwll (who sell lovely Fairtrade wine btw) to celebrate our second birthday... which also coincided with our Vice-Chair, Cllr Winston Lemon's birthday! A double celebration... whoohoo!

Lots of our members came to have a chat about Fairtrade issues, and discuss the Group's plans for Fairtrade Fortnight (keep tuned)... Winston's lovely wife and friends provided plenty of authentic Thai Fairtrade Banana Cake, and Keith, the pub's owner, allowed us use of the kitchen so we could welcome our members with lots of lovely Fairtrade Tea and Coffee! We raised a wonderful £25 from the raffle, which had a surprise celebrity Draw-er, Llanelli RFC and Scarlets Back Row, Rob McCusker!

Everyone had such a good time catching-up with one another and brainstorming that the Group are considering making such Nights a more regular feature, possibly alternating informal social events with our more formal, business-style meetings.... There'll be more discussion in this in the near future so please let us know what you think; in fact, we'd love to know if you have thoughts on events you'd like to see the Group host... Email us at fairtradellanelli@gmail.com, we want to hear from you! :)

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Fairtrade Awareness Evening - This Thursday!!

This Thursday, 18th November, Llanelli Fairtrade Group are hosting a Fairtrade Awareness Evening at The Colliers, Pwll, Llanelli at 7.00PM!

We will be showing a selection of short films showing the benefits Fair Trade can bring to communities and producers in the developing world. There will also be a selection of Fairtrade products available for tasting, including homemade Fairtrade Banana Cake, Fairtrade wine, tea, coffee and chocolate!

Come along and help us celebrate our (sort of) 2nd birthday!

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Congratulations to Bicester! 500th Fairtrade Town!

Well done Bicester!!

On 1st November, Bicester in Oxfordshire became the UK's 500th Fairtrade Town! This massive achievement followed four years of really hard work by the members of Bicester Fairtrade Steering Group, who now join a growing international Fairtrade Town movement, spanning 19 countries and uniting capital cities from Rome, Brussels, and Paris to Wales' own Fairtrade Capital City, Cardiff.

Harriet Lamb, CBE, Executive Director of the Fairtrade Foundation congratulated Bicester, adding that 'through tireless campaigning, Fairtrade supporters have won the hearts and minds of consumers and helped Fairtrade sales in the UK grow, Fairtrade Towns have helped to tip the balance in favour of some of the world's poorest producers and we hope that with the continued growth in Fairtrade Towns internationally we will see similar successes across Europe and beyond.'

Don't worry Harriet, Llanelli Fairtrade Group are on the case! We are excited by the challenge and hopeful that, before the end of 2010, Llanelli will be joining Bicester on that ever growing register of Fair Trade Towns!

For more information on Bicester's acheivement, and the Fairtrade movement in the UK, please visit http://www.fairtradefoundation.org.uk/.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Who we are... Part I

In June 2008, Wales became the world's first Fair Trade Nation. This followed 2 years of campaigning by the Wales Fair Trade Forum, funded by the Welsh Assembly Government, to increase the availability of Fair Trade products throughout Wales, and encourage schools, businesses and other organisations to switch to Fair Trade.

Llanelli Fairtrade Group was established in 2008, with the aim of promoting and supporting Fair Trade in our town. Since then, we have held a week-long Fairtrade Fair at Le Caprice, Llanelli; attended summer fetes with our stall and leaflets; helped Coleg Sir Gar welcome a Fair Trade Producer for Fairtrade Fortnight; and celebrated our first birthday in style with a very successful party at The Bucket & Spade, Seaside. We have been delighted with the support we have received from traders, business people and civic leaders thus far, especially ASDA Llanelli, Co-op Felinfoel, Le Caprice and The Diplomat, and Llanelli Town and Llanelli Rural Councils. With so much support behind us, Llanelli is on course to become a Fair Trade Town before the end of 2010!

If your business or organisation would like to provide Fair Trade goods, or does currently, please contact us. We are listing all Fair Trade stockists for our Town application, and would love to hear from you! If you are interested in applying for Fair Trade status for you organisation, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are more than happy to offer support and assistance to anyone looking to promote Fair Trade principles in our communities.

We look forward to hearing from you!